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Category: Penguicon

Schedule Update

Schedule Update

Hi folks, your friendly head of programming here! I just want to make sure everyone is aware that the schedule that was made public on Sched a few weeks ago is still a work in progress. There are going to be many changes made to it over the next week or so in order to address conflicts in the schedule such as the same presenter being scheduled for two events at the same time. I’d like to apologize for any confusion or issues this early release of the schedule may cause. I will be sure to let everyone know when the finalized version of the schedule is available, which I expect will be by Thursday April 13th. Thanks for your understanding!

First Annual Tux Run!

First Annual Tux Run!

Penguicon is holding a 5K (give or take (run or walk)) this year! Attendees shall gather in the Algonquin Foyer on Saturday morning. There will be maps provided and markers out on the course. Those that participate will receive an awesome reward! Special thanks to Jac3d G33k for helping put it on!

Guest of Honor Kevin MacLeod does Panels!

Guest of Honor Kevin MacLeod does Panels!

Kevin MacLeod is an international award-eligible composer and copyright activist, known for his Creative Commons licensed royalty-free music available on  He is an avid Twitch Streamer, showcasing his music production skills and scintillating* personality.

His works have been featured in thousands of movies and television programs, and tens of millions of YouTube videos.

Kevin believes copyright is fundamentally broken and no longer serves the needs of artists, creators, or audiences. No study has ever been performed to determine whether visitors to his site “” share this philosophy., a website dedicated to modern Public Domain music recordings, is his newest venture, eliminating the need for artists and creators to muddle through the complex copyrights and royalties process.

Kevin is excited to come to his first Penguicon! Here are some panels where you can see him.

Saturday, April 29 • 10:00 – 11:00

Perfection in Creativity
How perfect do you need your song, movie, comic, graphic, anything? When do you know you are done with your creation
Saturday, April 29 • 14:00 – 15:00

Finding Your Creative Niche

There are many types medias, genres, and niche audiences. Join these creators to talk about how they picked their type of programs/projects. Speakers include well known podcasters Bob Waltenspiel and Dave Phillips from IT in the D (Podcast Detroit) Youtubers and Filmmakers Tommy Edison and Ben Churchill, composer/musician Kevin MacLeod, and moderated by youtuber/podcaster/filmmaker Scott (Toaden) Maiale

Sunday, April 30 • 14:00 – 15:00

Musicians Controlling Emotion

Musicians and movie makers use music to try to make the audience feel certain way

Tech Track Highlights

Tech Track Highlights

At Penguicon we bring you experts in all kinds of open source software. We cover related topics like security and privacy to help you navigate the technical world. If you use a computer or a smartphone, chances are you will find something useful to you in our Tech Track presentations.

Here are some highlights this year!

Late Night Tails
Live from Penguicon, it’s Late Night Tails! Starring… Tails! What is Tails? Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. Why use Tails? How do I use Tails? Bring your own USB Flash Drive of at least 4GB in size, and we’ll help you create a Live Tails USB! Learn all this and more when we take a trip to the darkweb after hours!

Breaking Into Bots
Step into the world of Conversational Bots. Taking over platforms one by one, conversational bots are becoming the newest applications wanted and needed by consumers everyday. If you are wanting to learn how to get into the world of Conversation Bots, this talk is for you. Gabrielle will take you step by step on how to get your proper tools, building a bot, deploying it to the cloud and how to get it up and running on different platforms. This is an ideal session for those who are familiar with Node.js and would like to apply it to something new.

Never Sleep Again: Introduction to Rootkit Design
When you log on to a computer, do you trust what you see? How do you know you’re not being watched? That every keystroke isn’t being logged? That your microphone isn’t recording?

Come and learn the hard way that anti-virus can’t save you.

This talk is a technical exploration in making malware that lives at the same level as the operating system kernel. We’ll discuss the anatomy of a rootkit and methods for staying hidden.

Making AI Easy: Building Intelligent Applications with Cognitive Services
The rise of machine learning has produced an explosion of APIs to make your applications more intelligent. In this session, you will learn about 20+ different Cognitive Services APIs that provide object recognition, face detection and identification, emotion recognition, OCR, computer vision, video services, speech and speaker recognition, language understanding, text analytics, sentiment analysis, knowledge exploration, search services, and more. These REST-based services work on any technology platform. You can also leverage these services in conjunction with the Microsoft Bot Framework to build an intelligent assistant. You will see powerful demos of these capabilities, experience the simplicity of calling this code, and walk away with ideas on how to leverage this functionality in your own applications

See all of the Tech panels here!

Come sign up for Mock Job Interviews!

Come sign up for Mock Job Interviews!

So, you want a job? Well, so does everyone else. How do you go about setting yourself apart when, let’s be honest, others might have the same or better experience, qualifications, training, etc? You need to provide a stunning resume. But more than that, you need to ace that interview.

This is a three-part course covering what you need to know and do. You must attend the Kickoff Session and sign up there for your interview, to be sure you’re paired up with relevant interviewers. Once you’re scheduled, you’ll be set up for a Mock Interview. You are expected to come as you would for an actual interview. Put together your Resume to bring to Penguicon. Wear a set of interview-appropriate clothes. Get interviewed for a hypothetical job by two or three very non-hypothetical hiring managers who will give you equally non-hypothetical feedback on your strengths, weaknesses, and your overall impression as a candidate for the hypothetical job.

Finally, there will be a Wrap Up Session (limited to those who’ve attended the first two parts, please), to go over what was learned and discovered through the process.

As with any other job interview, this one needs preparation! You MUST bring a resume and wear proper interview attire; you MUST attend the Kickoff Session; and you MUST sign up at said Kickoff Session to qualify for the Mock Interview process. If you’re considering getting a job, a new job, a promotion, etc, this set of panels is an absolute MUST.