Event Feedback Available
Event feedback for Penguicon 2017 events has closed. You can find a list of all the feedback we received for this year’s events at the link below.
Event feedback for Penguicon 2017 events has closed. You can find a list of all the feedback we received for this year’s events at the link below.
Penguicon values your feedback! Please complete the Penguicon 2017 feedback form to share your thoughts with us.
To provide feedback about a specific event that you attended, please log in to Sched and go to the event page. Event feedback will close 5 days after the event occurred.
Presentations from Penguicon 2017 shared with our community under a Creative Commons license can be found at presentations.penguicon.org and attached to their event in Sched. A Creative Commons (CC) license is a public copyright license that enables the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. A CC license is used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that he has created. We hope you find these shared presentations useful!