WishList Unveiled!

WishList Unveiled!

Hello, Penguicon!

Thank you for making us all get to test out Sched a little earlier than we realized we’d have to. We had mentioned that our Programming Track Heads had a list of things that people had requested (from our Suggest a Panel form). And you mentioned that you’d like to see that list. So… now you get to! Go check out the WishList! If you see something that you’d like to talk about, show off, argue over, or generally share your passion and knowledge, then fill out the Panelist Application Form and help make Penguicon even better than ever.

Remember: Our new deadline for Panelist Applications is March 1st. So, you have time, but you don’t have THAT much time. Do it now!

This also gives you a little opportunity to check out Sched, which Penguicon will be using this year! It features easy search capabilities, calendar syncing, real-time editing and updates, and an app to make all of this available at your fingertips. More info and the actual app to come. For now, just enjoy the WishList and get inspired!

If you have any questions, you can email [email protected] and/or [email protected] and we’ll point you in the right direction.

-your Penguicon 2017 Programming Staff

Deadline Extension for Panelist Application Submissions

Deadline Extension for Panelist Application Submissions

Greetings, Penguicon!

We’ve been getting some seriously amazing programming submissions. But we still have room for more. Have you submitted your panelist application yet?

NEW FEATURE: We’re in the process of getting a WishList (ideas that others have requested) up for public viewing. It was a great idea that was suggested to us, but one we had to take a little time to get into a front-facing, easily-viewable and accessible format. To give everyone time, we’re extending the deadline for Panelist Application Submissions.

NEW DEADLINE: Your new application deadline is March 1st. We’ll have the WishList viewable before the end of the week, which means you still have nearly an entire month to submit. But don’t delay! The sooner you submit, the sooner we can start organizing panels and making sure everyone gets what they need to help us make the 15th Penguicon the very best Penguicon ever!

Whether your panel submission comes from the WishList or not, make sure you go submit it through the 2017 Panelist Application Form as soon as possible! We can’t wait to see what you’re bringing to Penguicon this year.

-the Programming Team of Penguicon 2017

Westin Non-Refundable Booking Heads-up

Westin Non-Refundable Booking Heads-up

Penguicon Hotel Alert!

If you booked your room using the Non-Refundable (Pre-pay) booking rate of $124.00 per night, The Westin will be collecting your payment now.

There was a problem with their booking site, and you should have been charged within 24 hours of making your Non-Refundable Reservation, but that obviously did not happen. All folks who booked via Non-Refundable (Pre-Pay) link should receive an email from the Westin within the next 24 hours to explain further.

This will NOT affect the Flexible Cancellation Policy Rooms.

The Westin sincerely apologizes for this tech glitch pain in the tailend. (As do We!)

We want your panels in Tech and Science

We want your panels in Tech and Science

Do you know Penguicon?


Maybe you do. It is a convention that combines Science Fiction with Open Source software, and is held in the spring every year in Southeastern Michigan. And if you have ever attended you know how good it is.


But if you have never attended, maybe this is the year. And if you have an interest in Open Source and similar technologies there is a lot to like at Penguicon. We are working on a Capture the Flag competition, a Red Hat admin competition, Fedora will be present, panels from a variety of companies, and talks from authors like  Guest of Honor Emeritus, Michael W. Lucas. But the thing about Penguicon is that this is a community project. While we love our industry partners and what they bring to Penguicon, the heart and soul of the event comes form people like you.


Yes, we want you to be a part of Penguicon! The great majority of talks and panels come from community members, and are a big reason why this event is so successful. And if you would like to be a part, just go to our Panelists Application and give us a proposal. We can’t accept any proposal we don’t get, after all.


We announced Cory Doctorow and Sumana Harihareswara as two of our Guests of Honor. Isn’t that exciting?


If Open Source or Tech isn’t top on your list, what about Science? Science Fiction inspires and has been inspired by work done by scientists. The Science track brings you telescope viewings, hands-on chemistry and robotics, discussions on the future of disease prevention, and a chance to walk the scale of the solar system. At Penguicon you can come and “Science the sh*t outta this.”


Whether you’re a Science enthusiast or a top-notch Scientist, we want your science panels. Do you love String Theory, want to teach us how to “peg a log” so mushrooms grow, show us the best of the universe and our solar system, or talk about biosciences? Whatever your scientific twist is, we want it. Simply fill out our form .


We love science and science fiction so much that we thought Peter Jansen(PhD) of the Open Tricorder Project would be an epic Hack of Honor this year.


Share your Science, Tech, Open Source passions at Penguicon! Please!