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Regarding Midwest Media Expo

Regarding Midwest Media Expo

Our hearts go out to the attendees and management of the Midwest Media Expo for their tragic and sudden venue loss. We are in chats with MME to see if there is any way we can help out with their situation.

Please do not try to recruit their attendees or say disparaging things about the event, because truthfully, it could happen to any of us. If we’re able to assist, we will, and we will make an official statement at that time.


Cylithria Dubois
Chair, Penguicon 2017

Schedule App Now Available

Schedule App Now Available

Penguicon now has a schedule app available for iPhone and Android! You can log in to your Sched account through the app.

If you don’t have a Sched account yet, you should definitely make one! With your account you can create a personalized event schedule for yourself to keep track of all the awesome events you want to attend! If you are presenting, be sure to use the email address you shared with Penguicon to create your Sched account, so you can access your presenter schedule through Sched.

Guest of Honor Cory Doctorow

Guest of Honor Cory Doctorow


Cory Doctorow ( is a science fiction novelist, blogger and technology activist. He is the co-editor of the popular weblog Boing Boing (, and a contributor to many magazines, websites and newspapers. He is a special consultant to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (, a non-profit civil liberties group that defends freedom in technology law, policy, standards and treaties. He holds an honorary doctorate in computer science from the Open University (UK), where he is a Visiting Professor; he is also the MIT Media Lab’s Activist in Residence. In 2007, he served as the Fulbright Chair at the Annenberg Center for Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California.

His novels have been translated into dozens of languages and are published by Tor Books, Titan Books (UK) and HarperCollins (UK). He has won the Locus, Prometheus, Copper Cylinder, White Pine and Sunburst Awards, and been nominated for the Hugo, Nebula and British Science Fiction Awards.

His two latest books are IN REAL LIFE, a young adult graphic novel created with Jen Wang (2014); and INFORMATION DOESN’T WANT TO BE FREE, a business book about creativity in the Internet age (2014). His next novel, a book for adults, is WALKAWAY, which Tor Books will publish in April 2017.

His latest young adult novel is HOMELAND, the bestselling sequel to 2008’s LITTLE BROTHER. His latest novel for adults is RAPTURE OF THE NERDS, written with Charles Stross and published in 2012. His New York Times Bestseller LITTLE BROTHER was published in 2008. His latest short story collection is WITH A LITTLE HELP, available in paperback, ebook, audiobook and limited edition hardcover. In 2011, Tachyon Books published a collection of his essays, called CONTEXT: FURTHER SELECTED ESSAYS ON PRODUCTIVITY, CREATIVITY, PARENTING, AND POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY (with an introduction by Tim O’Reilly) and IDW published a collection of comic books inspired by his short fiction called CORY DOCTOROW’S FUTURISTIC TALES OF THE HERE AND NOW. THE GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW, a PM Press Outspoken Authors chapbook, was also published in 2011.

Escape Room

Escape Room

ARR! Come join the Nearly Useless Entertainment Team as they host the first ever Penguicon Escape Room.  You and a crew of ye friends will get to test ye skills in a series of puzzles to acquire a vast treasure.  Designed for a crew of five to ten participants ages 14 and up, ye will have 45 minutes to solve all the puzzles and beat the room.  Sign up at ye crew of buccaneers at Ops and see if ye can escape the room.  Be sure to have ye crew arrive 5-10 minutes before ye schedules time, for a briefing on the rules and scenario.